Mikael Brevik
Enthusiastic developer from Norway interested in programming languages and with an everlasting love of web technologies. Maintainer of open source projects, podcast host of BartJS Podcast, Kortslutning and more, maker of programming videos, writer of blog posts. CTO and co-founder of Variant.
/Latest posts
- (Draft) Web app vs Content-driven
- (Draft) Factory Pattern for Everyday Use
- (Draft) Visitor Pattern for Everyday Use
Mikael Brevik og Stian Veum Møllersen møtes annenhver uke for å snakke høyt og lavt om hverdagen som utviklere og programmerere. Her blir det alt fra tekniske til ikke fullt så tekniske diskusjoner.
127 episodes
BartJS Podcast
BartJS Podcast. Javascript Meetup i Trondheim. Etter hver Meetup vil vi invitere foredragsholdere til en uformell prat om det de har holdt foredrag om. Shownotes: http://bartjs.io/tag/podcast-episode/
97 episodes
Lesehesten - Utvikling
Lesehesten. Podcasten hvor vi leser programmering og utviklingsbøker slik at du ikke må – men vil. Hver sesong tar vi for oss et pensum og leser bok etter bok, etterfulgt av diskusjoner om hva vi lærte. Bli med du også! Ønsker du å være gjest på en episode? Send e-post til mb@variant.no!
8 episodes
/Selected Presentations
Frontend Architectures: The Next Generations
Presentation on server first architecture thinking at NDC Oslo 2023
Decoding Frontend Architectures
Podcast discussion on server first architecture thinking
DIY Next.js Server Actions
DIY Server Actions and intro to server first architecture thinking
Breaking the Fourth Wall with JavaScript
Fun talk on using JavaScript proxies to the extreme, recreating an homoiconic language
/Selected Projects
💡 Looking for inspiration for your next open source project? Or perhaps you've got a brilliant idea you can't wait to share with others? Open Source Ideas is a community built specifically for this! 👋
A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback)
A library providing an abstraction for React components that allows for fast top-down rendering embracing immutable data for js
For learning how to use JavaScript Proxy, or just to see what is possible
A Renderer for the marked project. Allowing you to render Markdown to print to your Terminal